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Future of manufacturing: Robotics reshaping the assembly line

Indian manufacturing sector has advanced considerably with increasing adoption of automation and robotics. The increasing applications of robotic devices and systems necessitate a diverse set of knowledge and skills among robotics professionals, writes Sumit Kumar.Read more

Why automation is key for India's $1 trn manufacturing economy?

Manufacturing sector, which contributes approximately 16 per cent to India's GDP, aims to reach $1 trillion by elevating its contribution substantially to around 25 per cent. In this article, Rakesh Rao explains why digital manufacturing will be the key to achieve this goal.Read more

PLI scheme: The way forward

The Rs 2.71 trillion Production-Linked Incentive (PLI) schemes, rolled out to promote the economic development of various sectors, have faced multiple implementation challenges. Bhavesh Thakkar summarises such challenges and also presents the way forward.Read more

Digital manufacturing enhances operational efficiency

In this interview, Ranjit Patil, Head CoE – Manufacturing Operations Management, Tata Technologies, elaborates on transformations taking place in the Indian manufacturing sector due to the integration of advanced technologies.Read more

Why India is the next big thing in manufacturing

With record exports last year and consistent high GDP growth, India has emerged as a leading investment option for international investors offering a big domestic market with potential to become a major global manufacturing hub. Clearly, India is a market to be in – currently and in the future, says Rakesh Rao.Read more

IPF’s 3i EXPO webinar: Vision 2025 for Indian manufacturing sector

As part of 3i EXPO 2023 webinar series, Industrial Products Finder (IPF) organised a virtual panel discussion on the topic ‘Vision 2025 for Indian Manufacturing Sector’ to discuss challenges and solutions for Indian manufacturing sector to achieve vision of 25 per cent contribution in GDP.Read more

The way forward for Indian chemical industry

It is believed that the 2020s mark the beginning of an Indian decade in the chemical sector, especially in speciality chemicals. Sharing his “Vision 2025”, Mihir V Shah writes, India is today on the cusp of a multi-decadal opportunity to emerge as a global hub for chemical manufacturing.Read more

Tips to make Indian manufacturing sector strong

Indian manufacturing industry can create bulk employment which can be the growth engine for India in the future. While there are challenges in developing the manufacturing units in India, there are also equally opportunities that need to be leveraged, says Naren Brahme, while sharing his “Vision 2025” for Indian manufacturing industryRead more

Indian manufacturing at the crossroads: Global or local?

Indian manufacturing is trying to rediscover itself. The slogans that have been driving this trend are ‘Make in India’, ‘India as a Global Manufacturing Hub’, ‘China Plus India’ policies of many importing countries, etc. The next five to ten years will see the rise of the manufacturing industry in India, says R Jayaraman.Read more

Let’s seize the emerging growth opportunities

With the pandemic phasing out, the manufacturing sector's forecast appears to be on track. The Indian manufacturing sector has the potential to be a significant global participant, but it will need to overcome several obstacles and seize fresh chances, says Hiren Pravin Shah, while sharing his “Vision 2025” for India’s manufacturing sectorRead more

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